Historical Nuggets – Life of PA Part Six
Stained Glass and Historical Nuggets
In last month’s newsletter, ‘Skyla Investigates: Book-Inspired Historical Nuggets’, I delved into the process of stained glass production in the Victorian era. It is a fascinating topic as there are so many elements to produce something so intricate. Who would’ve thought that sand, potash and lime could create such a thing? The concoction would then be mixed with various metallic oxides to create the wide range of colours. To then separate colours, shapes and pictures, a lead rim would be fitted where needed. As health and safety measures were not a thing, I wonder if anyone went insane from inhaling the lead?
Usually in my Historical Nuggets I am comparing and contrasting two different things. This time I provided an example of a fiction and a non-fiction book that is focused around Victorian Era stained glass production. The idea behind my Historical Nuggets is to learn about something that doesn’t come up in day-to-day life. I hope that our lovely readers learn something new or that I grow on what they already know. When writing newsletters, I feel it’s important to engage with your audience and give them questions to think about as they go about their day. I like to be personable and show that just because I am hiding behind a screen and am over the pond. That we value our lovely peeps and are in fact human too!
Much to Mum’s delight, I do tend to use books for a lot of my research. It is vital to use reliable sourcing when the information may be implemented into a novel. If we do not have a book containing the information I need, I tend to use University websites. This is because they usually have actual archives and records of historical events.

Upcoming Research
One upcoming topic I will be looking into is the history of the Wye Way building in Hereford when it was a hospital. It’s research for Hecate Part 2 (which is very much underway as we speak)! I will nab this topic in my next Historical Nuggets newsletter segment. The best way of learning for me is by the doing. I have learnt so many tips and tricks for fully utilizing the research I do and the tools around me. Whenever I research a topic, it is used for social media posts, newsletter and is beneficial for Mum. I am all for taking some weight off her shoulders by deep diving into random topics for her. It never ceases to amaze me that not only can I do this, but I can have fun whilst doing so. Being able to be passionate about your work is an exciting feeling.

YouTube and Waffling
Another platform I will be researching for is YouTube! The type of content I will be making is very different as it’s in a video format when I am used to hiding behind words on a screen. So all you lovely peeps will get the pleasure of either hearing me or seeing my face. We have been collating ideas to keep a varied range of content to keep things interesting. Some will include Mum and I together, others just me. One of the other main parts of the channel will of course be the animals! They are always the star of the show and are incredibly cheap labour (bribe with cheese). I shan’t go into specifics about what we will be doing because who doesn’t love a surprise? As always, please bear with me as I learn the ins and outs of YouTubing and gaining confidence with showing my face.
I look forward to the day I can do everything with my eyes closed and get into a proper routine. I find making lists (colour coded of course) and planning ahead is the only way to smoothly produce content and get work done. Discovering what time of day you are most productive is also important. Much to the dismay of anyone I live with, I am most productive in the late afternoon and evenings. I have never and will never be a morning person! I will happily run a hoover around the house at midnight if no one else is around. Anyway, enough of my waffling, I am off to wrap birthday presents for the various men in my life!